
Profile / English アーカイブ



Sae Oshio
1973 Born in Tokyo,JAPAN


1999 Master of Fine Art - Print making , Tama Art University / Tokyo Japan   
    Bachelor of Fine Art - Print making , Tama Art University / Tokyo Japan
2001 to present Associate member of The Japan Print Association

[Solo Exhibition]

1999 Gallery 52 /Tokyo Japan
2000 Gallery Heian / Kyoto Japan , Gallery Collon / Tokyo Japan
2001 Gallery Kaede / Niigata Japan , Gallery Iseyoshi / Tokyo Japan
2002 Gallery Heian / Kyoto Japan , Gallery Bancho / Tokyo Japan
2003 Gallery Trend / Ehime Japan , Gallery Mini Exhibition / Akita Japan
2004 Gallery Kaede / Niigata Japan
2005 Gallery Shirota / Tokyo Japan , Gallery Heian / Kyoto Japan
2006 Gallery Shirota / Tokyo Japan , Gallery Bancho / Tokyo Japan
2007 EXPOSIO “PARER VOLUMEN 2007” Galeria MARGS-U Girona / Spain
2008 Hokusais Erbe SAE OSHIO Exhibition Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin
    Gallery Shirota / Tokyo Japan
2009 Gallery GAKU / Tokyo Japan
2010 Gallery Shirota / Tokyo Japan
2011 Gallery GAKU / Tokyo Japan

[Group Exhibition]

1997 The 1st International Mini-Print Biennal`97(Rumania)
1998 Kobe International Print Biennal Osaka Contemporary Art Center/ Osaka Japan
2000 Tokyo International Mini Print Triennial Tama Art University Atr Museum/ Tokyo Japan
2004 24th Mini Print International, Cadaques 2004 / Cadaques SPAIN
    Invitational Exhibition of Taiwan International MINI-PRINT National Taiwan
    Nomal University Gallery/ Republic of China
    ispa JAPAN 2004 NAGOYA Exhibiton of wood cut 100 years Nagoya city
    Museum Aichi JAPAN
    Fabio Bertoni International Engraving Award 5th Edition / Malta ITALY
2005 International Mini Print Biennal Cluj 2005 Cluj/ Rumania
    The Internationa Print Biennal Iosif Iser/Ploiesti,2005 Prahova country Art museum/Prague
    Czech Republic
    Mini Print Exhibition SS&AG / New York U.S.A
    Exhibition of Contemporary Print Works of Mexico and Japan / Guanajuato Mexico
    Current of the contemporary prints exhibition Machida city Intermational museum of graphic
    art /Tokyo Japan , Matsumoto city Museum/ Nagano Japan
2006 CWAJ Associate Show : Changing Tradition American Club/ Tokyo Japan
2007 "International Print Biennial in Guanlan China 2007" / Guanlan Culture and Art center/China
    "Shell Art Award the prize winner selection “Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art / Kyoto Japan

[Prize / Grant]

1997 Norsk International Graphic Triennial`97 Sponsor Prize
1998-2007 Print Exhibition of the Japan Print Association '99 Encouragement Prize / 2001 the3rd Prize /Tokyo
    Metropolitan Art Museum/ Tokyo Japan
1998 21st Century Prints Grand Prix Exhibition Special Prize ,
    Shizuoka Prefectual Art Museum/ Shizuoka Japan
2001 Masuo Ikeda Art commemoration prize Grand Prize ,
    Tokyo International Forum/ Osaka Contemporary Art Center
2004 The 4th Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints Kochi Japan
    Shell Art Award 2004-2005 Honorary Mention Awarded , Hill side terrace /Tokyo JAPAN
2006-2007 Grant from Bunkacho, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan
2007 Grant from The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
      Grant from SHISEIDO
      Grant from TALES JAPAN
2009 Morikazu Kumagaya Art commemoration prize Grand Prize


1997- Lecturer: "Atrier Soranomado" Private Art School
1997-2000 Lecturer: Kawasaki City Youth Creation Center Summer Workshop
2002  Lecturer: Hachioji city kawaguchi community center training course (Wood cut class)
2002-2006 Skill Adviser : The Faculty of Art, Printmaking Corse, Tama Art University. Tokyo, Japan.(silk screen/ lithograph/etting/wood cut )
2006 Lecturer:"Art and Trip" organize by CWAJ Work Shop
2007 Lecturer"Japanese Contemporary print making- process and technique-" edinburgh-printmakers+studio /scotland U.K
2008 Lecturer"Ukiyoe and Japanese Contemporary print making"Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin /Berlin Germany
    Teaching at Tohoku University of Art and Design  Bachelor of Fine Art
    Teaching at Tama Art University life study class
2009 Teaching at J. F. Oberlin University Performing and Visual Arts class

[Public Collection]

Machida city International museum of graphic art / Tokyo Japan
Setsuryosha art museum / Niigata Japan
Tama art university Art museum / Tokyo Japan
Sakura Pastel Art museum / Osaka Japan
Taipei master University / Republic of China
Silpakorn University Art museum / Bankok Tailand
Arbata University Art museum /Canada
Guanlan Culture and Art center/ China

About Profile / English

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